Located a couple of inches below your belly button, the sacral is your center of creativity, self-expression, sexual energy, movement, and emotions.
I invite you to observe this area in your body and describe any sensations felt there. Is it alive and pulsating? Or has it become dull and dormant? Often, when people are feeling creatively blocked, it’s an indication that the sacral could use some loving attention.
Sometimes, when I ask a client what they feel in their sacral, the response is that they feel nothing. An emptiness of feeling. This noticing is usually accompanied by a judgment of this emptiness or weakness of sensation being ‘bad.’ And that’s okay. Dislike brings the motivation to make the desired shift.
My main focus is on the honoring of limitation. So I ask, what if this weakness is the doorway to the greatest treasure?
Whatever moves in the sacral, feel it, acknowledge it, and say yes to its current state. If we don’t know where we are, we can’t set the GPS to tell it where we want to go. We must first acknowledge where we are, then decide where we want to go, and type it in.
The same is the case for our sacral. Take the time to sit with the truth of what you are feeling there. Don’t try or use effort to improve the situation. Instead, bring your attention, love, and gratitude to it the way it is. Show up and practice this regularly. It will repattern your mindset. It will cultivate more confidence within you to see and feel the truth of where you are without judging yourself for it. This is healing and integration.
The sacral has information that we can feel and hear, but to listen, there must be space. The noise of the unloved that crowds the inner ear must be quieted. The incessant critical voices that say, “When will this be over?”, “They won’t like me like this,” “I won’t have enough energy for my tasks today,” etc., muddy the channels that information from your sacral travels on.
So to unmuddy the channels, bring love to exactly how the sacral is. This mindset grounding and essential acknowledgment is the first action, and at times, the only action one needs to wake up the sacral.
Fan the flame.
Feel whatever is present, then dance with this truth. Sing from this place. Paint from it. Write from it. Do whatever you can do to live and express the fullness of your sacral’s core.
Observing my sacral, I wait there and allow whatever story is happening to play out without hitting pause on the remote. After waiting there with my sacral, belly breathing, it begins filling up, and my turn-on becomes activated. Sometimes, I experience energy moving through my sacral as orgasmic sensations in my cells. Orgasms that don’t just explode and are done; instead, they saturate my cells. It moves up into my solar plexus, rising into areas that orgasms are usually a stranger to. I arrive at a place that some would call an enlightened state.
Softness is required. Openness. Safety. The perineum gets to relax instead of being clenched in protection from the world. This floor can soften and create more energy flow through the extremities. From the root to the belly, a pathway that is open for the earth’s wellspring to arrive.
The body aligns with the heart and mind. Feeling turned on by life. With this space created, claiming what’s next with gratitude as if it is already.
With Sacral Love,
Sri Kala
Join us for The Unravel Experience on Aug 7th for our focus on the Sacral!